
Rugby Match

My Hero!!!

In recent months, rugby has become more and more popular around here! It may have a lot to do with the World Cup and the Six Nations.. Especially as Ireland did so well.

Anyway, I always had the impression that rugby was a fairly rough sport, and it looked like all the players did was huddle up in weird little groups and jump on each other.  However, after learning more about the game, I have begun to enjoy watching rugby much more than soccer!  There are a lot of rules, but the more you understand them, the more the game makes sense.  I have also noticed in professional rugby that the players are WAY more respectful of each other and the referee than in soccer.  For example, when a player is going to have a go at kicking a penalty over the bar, in general, the crowd and the other players go quiet to allow the player to concentrate  – there is no jeering or booing.  One of the rules  regulates the way a player is allowed to tackle – they are not allowed to tackle too high so that there is less risk of injury.  

Our “Lads” have been learning to play over the past months, and get together now and again for a match.  Up until now, the “Greens” (Our team!!) have given the “Blues” a beating in all but one match (I think!).  Unfortunately, the score on Saturday in Birr was Greens 5… Blues 19.  However fun was had by (nearly) all!

Here are some of the photos from Saturday.

The photos are pretty unclear and poor quality at the moment, but I am working at trying to upload some better and clearer versions without the server telling me I have exceeded the upload limits!!

Nicola Keegan

I have an interest in all things "techie", design, photography, writing, cooking, rugby, reading and music!

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