Food & Recipes

Chicken Goujons Part 2!

I was having  look at my stats for my website, and after the search “Nicola Keegan” can you guess which search terms have directed the most traffic to my site?? Photography? Ireland?

No, you are all wrong! The answer is .. “homemade chicken goujons”!! So I can deduce that a whole lot of people want to know how to make chicken goujons at home!!

So.. the original post is here.  But I wanted to add one or two things now that I have made it loads of times! I have tried a few different variations that taste really good too.

Sometimes I crush some garlic into the butter while I melt it. This is especially tasty if you add some grated Parmesan cheese to the breadcrumbs!

I nearly always add a little bit of grated cheddar, and some chili flakes to the breadcrumb mix for a delicious cheesy flavour.

One time when I was making this recipe, I didn’t have any breadcrumbs, or suitable bread for making any, so I crushed some old “Tuc”/”Ritz” type biscuits, and that was very tasty too!

So happy goujon making!!

Nicola Keegan

I have an interest in all things "techie", design, photography, writing, cooking, rugby, reading and music!

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